Monday, October 29, 2012

Royal comments of the Incas by Inca Garcilaso ( 1609)

To the reader

Although there have been curious ones who have written about the republics of the New World, such as Mexico and Peru and the other kingdoms of the Gentiles, it has not been   the whole account that could be given about them, I've noticed this particularly in the things I have seen written about Peru, of which, as someone from the city of Cuzco, which was another Rome in the empire, and I have longer and more clear news that so far the writers have given. Truth is that they touch many things however great that that republic had, but they write them so shortly that even the very noticeable to me, (in the way that they say) I misunderstand them. Therefore, forced by the natural love to the motherland, I offered myself the job of writing these reviews, which will clearly and distinctly show the things that republic had before the Spanish, and in the rites of their vain religion and the government in peace and war their kings had, and all the rest about those Indians can be said, from the tiniest exercises of its vassals to the top of the royal crown. We write only on the Inca Empire, without going into other monarchies, because I have no news of them that stand out (1). In the discourse of history we claim the truth of it, and we shall not say anything bigger that won´t be t authorized by the same Spanish historians who touched it in part or in whole, that my intention is not to contradict, but to serve as  comment and gloss and interpreter in many Indian words, which, as foreigners in that language, interpreted outside the property of it, as it will in the long seen in the discourse of history, which I offer to the mercy of that readers [...] .

Book I, Chapter XV
The origin of the Inca kings of Peru

            Those people living or dying (2) as we have seen, our Lord God allowed a morning star  to come out of themselves, so that in that dark regions would give them news of natural law and civility and respect than men should be given to each other, and that the descendants of that, acting from good to better cultivate those beasts and turn them into men, enabling them to reason any good doctrine, so that when that same God, Sun of Justice, send those rays of divine light to those idolaters, they would find them not so wild, but more docile for the Catholic faith and for the teaching and doctrine of the Holy Mother Church of Rome, as it has been received over here, as we will see, one thing and the other, in the course of this history; it is clear from experience  I have noticed how much more nimble and ready they were to receive the gospel  the Indians  that the Inca kings ruled and taught, unlike o other nations where the Incas  education had not reached, many of which are today as barbaric and crude as they were before, to be seventy-one years the Spanish entered in Peru. And since we are at the door of this great labyrinth, it will be good to go ahead and give notice of what was in there.
            After having taken many paths and (3) to give an account for the origin a Incas, that were natural kings of Peru, I found that the best and the easiest way was tell what was  in my childhood was often heard from my mother and brothers and uncles and others their elders about the origin and beginnings, because everything that is said   in other ways it is reduced to the same, and you'd better know it by the words of the very Incas and not from other foreign authors. Thus, my mother living in Cuzco, their homeland, few relatives came to visit almost every week , relatives that  escaped the cruelties and tyranny of Atahualpa (4) (their lives we will tell. In such visits, their more ordinary conversations were discussing the origin of their kings, majesty of them, of the greatness of their empire, their conquests and exploits, what the government in peace and war was, of laws as the benefit and favor their kings ordered their vassals. In short, they didn´t leave any prosperous thing that had happened to them out of their account.
            From the past greatness and prosperity they came talk about present things, they cried their dead kings, their alienated their finished empire and republic, etc. These and similar talks had the Incas Pallas (tellers)(5.  In their views, and the memory of his lost good, their conversation always ended in tears and crying, saying: "The reign turned into vassalage... "Etc. In this talk I, as a boy, came and went many times where they were, and I enjoyed listening, such as rejoice to hear the tales. So it went on for days, months and years, and I, still sixteen or seventeen years old, it came to pass that while I was at one of these conversation, talking about their kings and antiquities, I asked to the oldest man, the one that was aware of them:
- Inca, uncle, because there is no writing among you, what is what keeps the memory of past things among you, what are the news you have of the origin and beginnings of our Kings? For there, the Spanish, their towns and other nations, know, as they have divine and human stories:; they know about them, when their kings began to reign, and  how  some empires turn into other ones, they even know how many thousand years God created heaven and earth, all of  this and more  they know from their books. But you, that lack of them, what memory do you have from your antiquities? Who was the first of our Incas, how was he called, and what was his lineage?, How does he began to reign?, What people and weapons did they use to conquer this great Empire, and what were our origin ? The Inca, as he was comfortable listening these questions, for the pleasure he received by giving an account of them, he turned to me (many other times I had listened to him, but never with that attention then) and said:
- Nephew, I'll willingly tell you the most of it. It will be convenient for you to hear them and save them in the heart (this is their phrase instead of saying memory). You will know that in ancient times, all the entire region of land that you see were some big hills and thickets, and in those days people lived like beasts and irrational animals, without religion or policies (6), without people nor housing, no sowing nor cultivated land was there; they wouldn´t dress or cover without their flesh; they did not know how to spin cotton or wool to make any clothing;  they lived in twosomes or  and they gathered in caves and crevices of the earth. They ate like beasts, grass and tree roots and raw fruit and human flesh. They covered their bodies with leaves and tree bark and animal skins, others went naked. In short, they lived as deer and wild animals, and they even got women as brutes, because they could have stable and known ones.
            Notice, not to get angry to repeat too often these words: "Our Father the Sun", which was the language of the Incas and a way of worship and observance to name the Sun, because they boasted to be descendants of Him, and those that were not Inca were not allowed to name the Sun, since it was a blasphemy and so they were stoned if they did so.  The Inca continued saying:
- Our Father the Sun, watching men such as I said, took pity and compassion for them and was sent from heaven to earth a son and a daughter of his to indoctrinate people in the knowledge of our father the Sun, to worship  Him so they would have him as God to give them precepts and laws under which they lived as men by reason and civility, to dwell in homes and villages, so they  would know how to grow plants and crops, raise livestock and enjoy the fruits of earth as rational men and not beasts. With this order and mandate our father the Sun put these two sons in Lake Titicaca, which is eighty leagues from here, and they were told to go wherever  they wanted to, and wherever they  stop to eat or sleep, they should try to  introduce  a  yard long gold bar on the ground.  Whenever that bar should sink, there, the Sun Our Father wanted them to stop and build a capital and create a court.
Chapter XIX
The author protest on History
            Now that we have laid the foundation of our building (even though fabulous) at the origin of the Inca kings of Peru, it will be reasonable to stop writing on the reduction in the conquest of indians, and I rather extend myself just the summary that the Inca, my uncle, gave me on the relationship of many Incas and indians, natives of the towns that this first Inca Manco Capac reduced and ordered to populate his empire.  Among them I was raised and communicated until I as twenty years old.  Thorough this time I learned about all that I write now, because in my childhood these stories were told to me as fables aret told to children. Then, at older age, they gave greater information about their laws, government, comparing the new Spanish government with the Inca. Particularly, they divided crimes and penalties, the rigor of them; they would tell me how their kings came to act in peace and in war, how they treated their vassals, and how they were served by them. Besides this, as their own child, they would tell me about all their idolatry, rites, ceremonies and sacrifices, their main festivals and, and how they celebrated them; they would tell their abuses and superstitions, their good and bad omens, and those who they would see on their sacrifices and out of them. In short, I say that I got news of what they had in their republic, that if I wrote them, this would be a more abundant story. What others didn´t tell me, my eyes caught of that idolatry, festivals and superstitions, which even in my day, to twelve or thirteen years of my age, had not finished yet. I was born eight years after the Spanish won my land, and as I said, I grew up there until the age of twenty, and so I saw many things that the Indians did in that their paganism, which  I will tell, because I saw them. Besides the relationship that my relatives and others that I witnessed, there have been many accounts of the conquest and the achievements of kings, since  when I set out to write this story, I wrote to my former classmates from the grammar school, requesting  each them to help me with this relation the relationship that could be a particular deed that the Incas achieved in the provinces of their mothers, because each province has its accounts and knots with their stories, and tradition, and therefore retains better what happened to them. My classmates, taking care of what I asked, took my intention to their mothers and relatives who, knowing that an Indian, child from their land, wanted to write its events, removed archives from their relations and I sent them to me. And so I had news of the events and achievements of each Inca, which are the same as the Spanish historians had, but longer ones, as I repeatedly mentioned [...] , although some of these things I tell seems to be fabulous, it seemed a good idea to note them, not to remove the foundations on which the indians  founder bigger and better things that their empire features; because of this, at the end, from these fabulous foundations, the greatness of Spain is true today.  So I will write what could be more convenient, to convey the true news of past monarchies, their beginnings and their ends, that I plainly claim that I sucked from the milk, in addition to the news I got here from my own kinship. And I promise that, despite being fond to memories, I won´t stop telling the truth from the fact, without taking away from the bad nor adding the good they had, since I well know  idolatry is a sea of  errors, and I won’t write about new developments that were missed, but about the same things that the Spanish historians have written of that land, its kings, and I just will comment on them when, so it becomes clear that I don´t pretend fictions to favor my relatives, but I will say the same as the Spanish have said, only to as comments, to extend on many things they have said and let them imperfect, since they missed the entire account. Many more details will be added to the stories, some others will be removed, since they were false leftovers, for the Spanish didn´t know how to request them, as they didn´t know distinction of times and ages, and division of provinces and nations .So they failed to understand the Indian who gave it, because of the difficulty of language. The Spanish thins they know more, but they ignore nine of ten parts, since, for the many things, a same word could be used and a different pronunciations for a same diction has very different meanings. So I will discuss as later in some words that I will be forced to bring them into account.
            Besides this, everything all about this republic rather destroyed than well known I say, will be simply told, what in old days was their idolatry, rituals, sacrifices and ceremonies, and its government, laws and customs, in peace and in war without comparing them to any other similar ones we find in divine and human stories, neither to the governments of our time, since that is a odious comparison. Whoever read this, will be able to compare these stories to his liking, finding similar ones in ancient times, and in the Holy Scripture as in the profane fables of ancient paganism.  Many laws and customs will resemble to those of our century; many more you will read that are the entire contrary.  For me I've done what I could, having failed to do what I wanted. You, discreet reader, I beg you to receive my good spirited intentions, that is to please you and cause you happiness,  even though neither my energies, nor  the ability of an indian, born and raised among Indian, among weapons and horses,  can get met there. 
Book IX, Chapter XXXI
New names to name several generations

The best thing that has happened to the Indies, we almost forgot, are those Spanish and blacks who have been taken as slaves to be served by them; formerly there wasn´t any in that my land. Out of these two nations, others came to be that have mixed over there, and to differentiate them, they have been give different names, to be understood by them. And even though we said this in our history of La Florida, I say it here again, as this is its proper place. Thus, the Spanish man or Spanish woman that goes from here is called Spanish or Castilian, that both names are as one, and so I've used them in this story and in la Florida. The children of Spanish and Spanish-born are called criollo or Creole to say that they were born in the Spanish indies. This name was invented by blacks, and it shows their work. It meant Indies-born black; to differentiate him from those going from here, or the ones born in Guinea, because they have for more and better quality those being born in their own motherland, and parents are offended if they are called Creoles. The Spanish, by similarity, have introduced this name in their language for naming the one born there. So Spanish and blacks born in the Indies are called criollos. When black is going from here, they simply call him black or guineo. The son of black and Indian, or of Indian and black, is called mulato and mulata. The children of these two are called cholo. Cholo is word of the Windward Island, it means dog, not the thoroughbred, but the very rogues ones (11) and the Spanish used it for infamy and shame. The children of Spanish and Indian or Indian and Spanish, they call us mestizos, to say that we are mixed of both nations. This name was imposed by the first Spanish who had children in an indian, and since it is name being imposed by our parents and because its meaning to me, I mouthfully call myself mestizo and I take honor.  While in the Spanish indies, if one of them would say 'you are a mestizo "or” he is a mestizo ",  people take it as offense.[…] I don´t understand the malice of the imposers, they feel proud of their  offences, so we are forced to flee and abhor  the way our parents called us, not to receive new offensives epithets.
Trans. Alex Salinas

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